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Cooking TipsIngredient Guides69 Different Types of Cheese: A Comprehensive Guide

69 Different Types of Cheese: A Comprehensive Guide

Must Try

David Larsen
I’m a husband, dad, food blogger, photographer, writer, social media boss, entrepreneur.

There are so many types of cheese in the world, it can be hard to know where to start. This comprehensive guide will introduce you to some of the most popular varieties.

From hard cheeses like cheddar and Parmesan, to soft cheeses like Brie and Camembert, we’ll cover them all!

We’ll also discuss some lesser-known types of cheese, like Gorgonzola and Roquefort. So whether you’re a cheese lover or just looking to expand your culinary horizons, read on for an introduction to the wonderful world of cheese!

types of cheese

1. American Cheese

american cheese

American cheese is a type of processed cheese made from a blend of milk, cream, and sometimes other dairy ingredients. It has a mild flavor and a soft, creamy texture. American cheese is often used in grilled cheese sandwiches, burgers, and other dishes where a melting cheese is desired.

Some people believe that American cheese is not really cheese at all, but rather a processed food product. This is because American cheese is made with added ingredients that are not found in traditional cheeses, such as emulsifiers and preservatives.

Despite its name, American cheese is actually quite popular in other parts of the world, particularly in Canada and Europe. In fact, it is one of the most popular cheeses used in grilled cheese sandwiches in Canada.

2. Asiago cheese

Asiago cheese

Asiago cheese is a hard, crumbly Italian cheese that is often used for grating. It has a mild, nutty flavor and can be used in many different dishes. Asiago cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a variety of different uses.

Asiago cheese can be used in soups, salads, pasta dishes, and more. It is a versatile cheese that can be used in many different ways. Asiago cheese is a great way to add flavor to your dishes.

3. Blue cheese

blue cheese

Blue cheese is a type of cheese that has mold added to it. The mold gives the cheese its blue color and also affects its flavor. Some people enjoy the taste of blue cheese, while others find it too strong.

There are many different types of blue cheese, each with its own distinct flavor. Some of the most popular varieties include Gorgonzola, Roquefort, and Stilton.

4. Bocconcini cheese

Bocconcini cheese is a type of fresh mozzarella. It is a small, round cheese that is white in color and has a soft, milky texture. The name “bocconcini” comes from the Italian word for “mouthful” or “bite.”

This cheese originated in the southern Italian region of Campania. It is traditionally made from water buffalo milk, but nowadays, it is also commonly made with cow’s milk. Bocconcini cheese can be found in most supermarkets and specialty food stores.

Bocconcini cheese is often used in salads and as a pizza topping. It can also be enjoyed on its own as a snack or appetizer. The cheese is typically served fresh and at room temperature.

5. Boursin cheese

Boursin cheese is a type of spreadable cheese that originates from France. It is made from cow’s milk and has a soft, creamy texture. The flavor of Boursin cheese can vary depending on the brand, but it typically has a slightly tangy taste with hints of garlic and herbs.

Boursin cheese is often used as a spread for crackers or bread, or as a dip for vegetables. It can also be added to recipes to give them a richer flavor.

6. Brie cheese

Brie cheese is a soft, white cheese with a creamy texture and a mild flavor. It originated in the region of Brie, France, and is named after the village of Brie. Brie cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a high-fat content.

It is usually ripened for two to four weeks, during which time it develops a soft, edible rind. Brie cheese is typically eaten as is, or with crackers or bread. It can also be used in recipes such as quiche and gratins.

Brie cheese pairs well with fruit, nuts, and wine. It is often served alongside champagne or white wine. When choosing a wine to pair with brie, it is important to consider the cheese’s fat content and choose a wine that will not be overpowered by the cheese.

For example, a light-bodied white wine such as Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio would be a good choice. Brie cheese can also be paired with red wine, but it is important to choose a wine with low tannins so as not to overwhelm the cheese. For example, a Beaujolais or Pinot Noir would be good choices.

When storing brie cheese, it is important to keep it in its original packaging until you are ready to consume it. Brie cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Once you have opened the package, you can wrap the cheese in wax paper or parchment paper and store it in a covered container in the refrigerator.

Brie cheese is best served at room temperature, so be sure to take it out of the refrigerator an hour or so before serving.

7. Burrata cheese

burrata cheese

Burrata is a fresh Italian cheese made from mozzarella and cream. The outer shell is solid mozzarella, while the inside contains both mozzarella and cream, giving it a unique texture. Burrata is typically served fresh with bread or salad.

Burrata originated in the southern Italian region of Puglia, where it is still made today. The cheese was created as a way to use up leftover mozzarella scraps. Burrata is made from cow’s milk, and the name comes from the Italian word for “buttered.”

8. Butterkäse cheese

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Butterkäse cheese is a German cheese that is made from butter and milk. The name Butterkäse means “butter cheese” in German. This cheese is yellow in color and has a creamy texture.

It is often used as a spread on bread or crackers, or as a topping for salads and pasta dishes. Butterkäse cheese is also a good melting cheese, making it ideal for use in grilled cheese sandwiches and quesadillas.

9. Camembert cheese

Camembert cheese is a soft, creamy French cheese. It is made from unpasteurized cow’s milk and has a white or pale yellow rind. The interior of the cheese is soft and smooth with a slightly crumbly texture. Camembert cheese has a mild, earthy flavor with hints of mushrooms and butter.

Camembert cheese is named after the village of Camembert in Normandy, France. The cheese was first made in the 18th century by a woman named Marie Harel. Legend has it that she learned how to make cheese from a group of traveling monks.

Today, Camembert cheese is still made in Normandy using traditional methods. The cheese is made from the milk of cows that graze on the region’s lush, green pastures. The milk is then slowly heated and stirred until it curdles. Once the curds have formed, they are drained and placed in rounds of cheesecloth.

The rounds of cheese are then left to age for at least three weeks. During this time, the cheese develops its characteristic flavor and texture.

Camembert cheese is best enjoyed at room temperature. It can be served on its own or with crackers, bread, or fruit. The cheese pairs well with white wines such as Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc.

10. Cheddar cheese

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Cheddar cheese is a hard, yellowish-white, natural cheese. It is named after the English village of Cheddar in Somerset.

Cheddar cheese is made from cow’s milk. The milk is heated and then curdled with rennet. The curds are then cut into small pieces and pressed to form a solid block.

Cheddar cheese has a sharp, tangy flavor that gets stronger with age. It is often used in grilled cheese sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, and in burgers.

Cheddar is the most popular type of cheese in the United Kingdom and the United States. In the UK, it is commonly eaten with crackers or bread, and in the US it is often used in processed foods such as grilled cheese sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, and nachos.

11. Cheese Curds cheese

Cheese Curds cheese is a type of cheese made from curds of milk. It is a popular food in many parts of the world, especially in Europe and North America. Cheese Curds cheese has a strong flavor and is often used as a condiment or ingredient in dishes.

There are many different types of Cheese Curds cheese, including cheddar, Gouda, and mozzarella. Cheese Curds cheese is often made from cow’s milk, but it can also be made from goat’s milk or sheep’s milk.

Cheese Curds cheese is a good source of protein and calcium. It is also a good source of vitamin A and B vitamins. Cheese Curds cheese contains no cholesterol and is low in saturated fat.

12. Chevre Cheese

Chevre cheese is a type of fresh goat’s milk cheese that originated in France. The word “chevre” comes from the French word for “goat”, and this cheese is made from 100% pure goat’s milk. Chevre cheese has a mild, slightly tangy flavor and a smooth, creamy texture. It can be eaten on its own or used in recipes.

Chevre cheese is a healthy alternative to other types of cheese, as it is lower in fat and calories. It is also a good source of protein and calcium. Chevre cheese can be found in most supermarkets, and it is becoming increasingly popular due to its health benefits.

13. Colby cheese

colby jack cheese

Colby cheese is a type of cheese that originates from the United States. It is named after the city of Colby, Wisconsin, where it was first created.

Colby cheese is a mild, yellow cheese with a firm and elastic texture. It has large holes and a slightly crumbly texture. Colby cheese has a mild, buttery flavor with a slightly sharp taste.

Colby cheese is often used in dishes such as macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, and nachos. It can also be eaten on its own as a snack.

14. Colby-Jack Cheese

Colby-Jack cheese is a type of cheese that is made from a mix of Colby and Monterey Jack cheeses. This cheese gets its name from the two types of cheeses that are used to make it.

The Colby-Jack cheese was first created in the early 1970s by the Kraft Company. This cheese is a great all-purpose cheese that can be used in a variety of dishes.

Colby-Jack cheese has a mild flavor and a smooth texture. This cheese is perfect for those who do not like strong cheeses. Colby-Jack cheese is also a good melting cheese, making it ideal for use in grilled sandwiches and quesadillas.

15. Cold-Pack Cheese

Cold-pack cheese is a type of processed cheese that is made by blending together natural and artificial cheeses.

It has a much higher fat content than regular cheese, as well as added preservatives and flavorings. Cold-pack cheese can be found in most grocery stores, often in the deli section.

Why is Cold-Pack Cheese so Popular?

Cold-pack cheese is popular because it is very easy to spread and has a strong flavor. It can be used in a variety of dishes, from sandwiches to casseroles. Cold-pack cheese is also relatively inexpensive, making it a good option for those on a budget.

16. Comte cheese

Comte cheese is a type of French cheese that is made from unpasteurized cow’s milk. It is one of the oldest types of cheese, and has been produced in the mountainous regions of France for centuries.

Comte cheese has a strong, nutty flavor and a firm texture. It is often used in cooking, and can be grated or melted over food.

17. Cotija cheese

Cotija is a type of Mexican cheese that is named after the town of Cotija in Michoacán. It is a hard, dry cheese that has a crumbly texture and a strong flavor. Cotija cheese is made from cow’s milk and is aged for two to three months.

Cotija cheese can be used in a variety of dishes, such as salads, soups, and tacos. It is also often used as a topping for nachos or enchiladas.

18. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a type of cheese that is made from curdled milk. It is usually made from cow’s milk, but it can also be made from goat’s or sheep’s milk.

The curdling process involves adding an acid to the milk, which causes the milk proteins to coagulate and form clumps (curds).

The curds are then strained and the whey (a liquid that contains lactose, minerals, and vitamins) is removed. Cottage cheese is a fresh cheese, which means that it has not been aged or ripened like other types of cheeses.

Cottage cheese has a mild flavor and a slightly grainy texture. It is available in a variety of fat content levels, from non-fat to full-fat.

Cottage cheese is a good source of protein, calcium, and phosphorus. It is also low in calories and has a high water content, which makes it a refreshing and hydrating food.

19. Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is a type of cheese that is made from milk and cream. It has a smooth, creamy texture and a mild flavor. Cream cheese is often used as a spread on bread or crackers, in dips and sauces, or in baked goods.

There are many different types of cream cheese available, including plain, flavored, and spreadable. Plain cream cheese is the most versatile and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.

Flavored cream cheese is typically used as a spread or in dips, while spreadable cream cheese is more often used as a topping on bread or crackers.

Related: Can You Freeze Cream Cheese?

20. D’Affinois cheese

D’Affinois cheese is a French cheese that is made from cow’s milk. The cheese has a soft, creamy texture and a mild, buttery flavor. D’Affinois cheese is often used in recipes that call for cream cheese or Brie.

21. Dolcelatte cheese

Dolcelatte cheese is a type of Italian blue cheese. It is made from cow’s milk and has a creamy, slightly sweet flavor. Dolcelatte cheese is often used in salads, pasta dishes, and pizza.

How to make Dolcelatte cheese?

Dolcelatte cheese is made by adding rennet and bacteria to milk. The mixture is then left to curdle for several hours.

After the curdling process is complete, the cheese is drained and formed into wheels. The wheels are then placed in a brine solution for two weeks. After this, the cheese is ready to be eaten!

22. Edam cheese

Edam cheese is a type of cheese that originated in the Netherlands. It is named after the city of Edam, where it was first produced.

Edam cheese is made from cow’s milk, and has a yellowish-orange color. It has a mild flavor, and is often used in dishes such as macaroni and cheese.

Edam cheese is a good source of protein and calcium, and is low in fat. It can be found in most grocery stores, and is often used as a substitute for cheddar cheese.

23. Emmental cheese

Emmental cheese is a yellow, medium-hard cheese that originated in the Emmental region of Switzerland. The cheese is characterized by its nutty flavor and holes, or “eyes.”

Emmental cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a fat content of around 45%. It is used in a variety of dishes, such as Swiss fondue and raclette.

24. Epoisses cheese

Epoisses cheese is a soft, strong-smelling cheese from the Burgundy region of France. The cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a reddish-brown rind. It is usually eaten with bread or crackers, and can also be used in cooking.

Epoisses cheese has a long history, dating back to Roman times. The cheese was mentioned in a cookbook from the year 1554.

Epoisses cheese became popular in the 19th century and was exported to many countries. Today, it is still made in the Burgundy region of France and is one of the most famous French cheeses.

25. Farmer’s cheese

Farmer’s cheese is a type of unaged cheese made from cow’s milk. It has a crumbly texture and mild flavor.

How is Farmer’s cheese made?

Farmer’s cheese is made by curdling milk with rennet or an acidic ingredient like lemon juice. The curds are then strained and pressed to remove excess moisture.

What are the benefits of Farmer’s cheese?

Farmer’s cheese is a good source of protein and calcium. It is also low in calories and fat.

How can I use Farmer’s cheese?

Farmer’s cheese can be used in a variety of dishes. It can be added to soups, salads, and pasta dishes. It can also be used as a filling for pies and pastries.

26. Feta cheese

Feta cheese is a traditional Greek cheese made from sheep’s milk or goat’s milk. It is white in color and has a crumbly texture. Feta cheese is commonly used in salads, on pizzas, and in pastries.

How is Feta cheese made?

The milk is first curdled and then strained. The curds are then placed in a mold and pressed to remove excess whey. Finally, the feta cheese is soaked in brine (salt water) for several weeks.

What does Feta cheese taste like?

Feta cheese has a tangy, salty, and slightly acidic flavor. It can also have a slightly sheep or goat-y taste.

Is Feta cheese healthy?

Feta cheese is a good source of protein and calcium. However, it is also high in saturated fat and sodium. So, enjoy feta cheese in moderation as part of a healthy diet.

Related: Can You Eat Feta Cheese While Pregnant?

27. Florette cheese

Florette cheese is a type of cheese made from cow’s milk. It is named after the French city of Florence, where it was first produced. Florette cheese has a mild, nutty flavor and a creamy texture. It is often used in salads and as a sandwich spread.

How is Florette cheese made?

Florette cheese is made by adding rennet and bacteria to milk. The mixture is then heated and cooled, causing the milk to curdle. The curds are then strained and pressed into wheels. The wheels are aged for at least two months before they are sold.

28. Fontina cheese

Fontina is a type of cheese that originated in the Aosta Valley region of Italy. The cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a brownish-red rind with a yellowish interior. Fontina has a nutty flavor and is often used in fondue and grilled dishes.

Fontina cheese can be found at most supermarkets and specialty cheese shops.

29. Fresh Mozzarella

Fresh Mozzarella is a type of cheese that is made from milk. The milk is usually from cows, but it can also be from goats or buffalo. The cheese is white and has a soft, creamy texture. It is often used in salads, pizzas, and pastas.

How is Fresh Mozzarella made?

Fresh Mozzarella is made by curdling milk with rennet. Rennet is an enzyme that helps the milk to solidify. The curdled milk is then strained and formed into balls. The balls are then soaked in brine, which gives them their characteristic flavor.

30. Goat cheese

Goat cheese is a dairy product made from goat’s milk. It can be made in a variety of textures, from soft and spreadable to hard and crumbly. Goat cheese has a tangy, slightly acidic flavor that pairs well with sweet or savory dishes.

Goat cheese is lower in calories and fat than cow’s milk cheese, and it is a good source of protein and calcium. Goat cheese is also easier to digest than cow’s milk cheese for people who are lactose intolerant.

31. Gorgonzola cheese

Gorgonzola cheese is a type of Italian blue cheese. It is made from cow’s milk and has a strong, pungent flavor.

Gorgonzola cheese is named after the town of Gorgonzola in Lombardy, Italy. Cheese has been made in this region for centuries.

32. Gouda cheese

Gouda cheese is a type of cheese that originated in the Netherlands. It is named after the city of Gouda, which is where it was first made.

Gouda cheese is made from cow’s milk, and it has a yellowish-orange color. The flavor of Gouda cheese can be mild or strong, depending on how long it is aged.

33. Grana Padano cheese

Grana Padano is a hard, dry cheese that originates from Italy. It is made from skimmed or partially skimmed cow’s milk and has a grainy texture with a slightly sweet flavor.

Grana Padano can be used in many different dishes, either as a topping or as an ingredient, and it pairs well with both red and white wines.

34. Gruyère cheese

Gruyère cheese is a hard, yellow cheese that originated in the Swiss canton of Fribourg. It is named after the town of Gruyères.

The cheese is made from unpasteurized cow’s milk and has a fat content of 45%. Gruyère cheese has a nutty and slightly sweet flavor with a hint of saltiness. The texture is firm and slightly crumbly.

Gruyère cheese is most commonly used in fondue, as it melts well and has a rich flavor. It can also be used in gratins, quiches, soufflés, and sauces. Gruyère cheese pairs well with white wines such as Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc.

35. Halloumi cheese

Halloumi cheese is a type of cheese that originates from Cyprus. It is made from a mixture of sheep’s milk and goat’s milk, and has a high fat content, which makes it ideal for grilling or frying.

The cheese has a firm texture and a mildly salty flavor, and is often used as a meat alternative in vegetarian dishes.

Halloumi cheese is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes. It can be fried or grilled, and makes a great addition to salads, pasta dishes, pizzas, and more.

36. Havarti cheese

Havarti cheese is a type of Danish cheese that is white and creamy in texture. It has a mildly sweet flavor with some buttery notes. Havarti cheese is named after its creator, Hanne Nielsen, who developed the recipe in the 19th century.

37. Jarlsberg cheese

Jarlsberg cheese is a type of Norwegian cheese that is yellow in color and has large holes. It is made from cow’s milk and has a mild, nutty flavor. Jarlsberg cheese is often used in cooking, as it melts well and provides a creamy texture.

38. L’Edel de Cleron cheese

L’Edel de Cleron is a soft, mild cheese from the Burgundy region of France. It is made from cow’s milk and has a white or pale yellow color.

The flavor is sweet and buttery with a hint of hazelnut. L’Edel de Cleron pairs well with fruit, nuts, and crusty bread. It can also be used in recipes such as gratins and omelets.

39. Limburger cheese

Limburger cheese is a type of cheese that originated in the historical Duchy of Limburg, which is now divided between modern-day Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The cheese is especially known for its strong, pungent odor.

The taste of Limburger cheese is described as earthy, tangy and creamy, with a strong flavor that gets more intense with age. The smell of the cheese has been likened to smelly feet or body odor.

40. Manchego cheese

Manchego cheese is a sheep milk cheese from the La Mancha region of Spain. It is one of the most popular Spanish cheeses, and has a distinctively nutty flavor.

Manchego cheese is made in a variety of different ways, but all methods involve using sheep’s milk. The cheese is typically aged for at least two months, and can be aged for up to a year.

Manchego cheese is often used in Spanish dishes, or served as a standalone cheese plate. It pairs well with a variety of different foods, including fruits, nuts, and cured meats.

41. Mascarpone cheese

Mascarpone cheese is an Italian cheese that is made from cream. The name of the cheese comes from the Italian word for butter, which is “mascarpa.” Mascarpone cheese is a very rich and creamy cheese, and it is often used in desserts.

Mascarpone cheese can be found in most grocery stores, and it is often used in recipes for tiramisu, cannoli, and cheesecake. If you are looking for a cheese that is similar to Mascarpone, you can try using cream cheese or ricotta cheese.

42. Monterey Jack cheese

Monterey Jack cheese is a type of cheese that originated in the United States. It is named after the city of Monterey, California, where it was first made.

Monterey Jack cheese is a mild, white cheese with a slightly sweet flavor. It is often used as melting cheese, and is also popular in grilled cheese sandwiches and quesadillas.

43. Mozzarella cheese

Mozzarella cheese is an Italian cheese that is made from the milk of water buffalo or cows. It has a white color and its texture can range from soft to hard. This type of cheese is often used on pizzas and in lasagna.

Related: Can You Freeze Mozzarella Cheese?

44. Muenster cheese

Muenster cheese is a type of American cheese that is semi-soft and has a mild, slightly sweet flavor.

It is often used as a sandwich cheese or for melting on top of burgers and other dishes. Muenster cheese is made from cow’s milk and has an orange-red rind that is typically eaten.

45. Neufchatel cheese

Neufchatel cheese is a soft, unripened cheese that originates from the village of Neufchâtel-en-Bray in Normandy, France. The cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a mild, slightly nutty flavor. It is often used as a spread or for making cheesecake.

Neufchatel cheese has been made in Normandy for centuries. The cheese was first mentioned in writings dating back to the 12th century. In the 18th century, Neufchâtel-en-Bray became known for its cheese making and the cheese became popular throughout France.

46. Oaxaca cheese

Oaxaca cheese is a white, semihard cheese that originates from the Mexican state of Oaxaca. It is made using traditional methods passed down from the indigenous people of the region. The cheese gets its name from the city of Oaxaca, where it was first created.

The cheese is made by curdling milk with lime juice or vinegar, and then stretching and kneading the curds until they form a smooth, elastic dough. Once the dough is formed, it is rolled into balls and left to age for two to three months.

Oaxaca cheese has a mild, slightly salty flavor and a firm, but pliable texture. It is often used as a filling for quesadillas and tacos, or shredded and added to soups and salads.

47. Old Amsterdam cheese

Old Amsterdam cheese is a Dutch cheese that has been aged for at least two years. It is made from cow’s milk and has a strong, nutty flavor. Old Amsterdam cheese is named after the city of Amsterdam, where it was first created.

48. Ossau-Iraty cheese

Ossau-Iraty is a sheep milk cheese from the Basque region of France. It has a firm, yet creamy texture and a nutty flavor. Ossau-Iraty is perfect for slicing and melting, making it ideal for use in grilled cheese sandwiches or on top of burgers.

49. Paneer cheese

Paneer is a type of cheese that originates from the Indian subcontinent. It is made by curdling milk with an acid, and then pressing it into a solid block. Paneer has a high protein content, and is very low in fat.

Paneer can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. It is often used in curries, or as a filling for flatbreads. Paneer can also be grilled or fried, and served as a main dish.

50. Parmesan cheese

Parmesan cheese is a hard, yellow cheese that originated in Italy. It is made from cow’s milk and has a sharp, nutty flavor. Parmesan cheese is most commonly used as a grating cheese, but it can also be eaten in chunks or shaved off in thin slices.

Parmesan cheese pairs well with a variety of foods, including pasta, salads, and soup. It can also be used as a topping on pizza or bread. Parmesan cheese is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both savory and sweet dishes.

51. Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese

Parmigiano-Reggiano is a hard, granular cheese made from cow’s milk. It has a pale yellow color and a sharp, fruity flavor. The cheese is named after the Italian regions of Parma and Reggio Emilia, where it was first produced.

Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese is made from raw milk. The milk is heated and cooled several times to create the desired consistency. Then, rennet is added to coagulate the milk. Once the curds have formed, they are cut into small pieces and cooked at a low temperature.

After cooking, the curds are placed in molds and pressed to remove excess whey. The molds are then placed in a brine solution to promote the development of flavor and texture. Finally, the cheese is aged for at least 12 months.

Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese has a variety of uses. It can be grated over pasta or risotto, or melted into soup. It also makes a great addition to salads and antipasti.

52. Pecorino Re Nero cheese

Pecorino Re Nero cheese is a type of Pecorino cheese that is made from sheep’s milk. The name “Re Nero” means “black king” in Italian, and it is named after the black sheep that are used to make this cheese. This cheese has a strong flavor and a firm texture, and it is perfect for grating over pasta dishes or using in recipes.

53. Pecorino Romano cheese

Pecorino Romano cheese is a hard, salty cheese that is made from sheep’s milk. It is one of the oldest types of cheese, and it has been made in Italy for centuries. The name “Pecorino” comes from the Italian word for sheep, and “Romano” refers to the region where the cheese is from.

Pecorino Romano cheese is a great addition to many dishes. It can be used as a topping for salads or pasta, or it can be shaved into thin slices and added to sandwiches. The strong flavor of Pecorino Romano cheese pairs well with wines such as Chianti or Sangiovese.

54. Pepper Jack cheese

Pepper Jack cheese is a type of cheese that is made with jalapeño peppers. The cheese gets its name from the fact that the peppers are used to give the cheese a spicy flavor.

How is Pepper Jack cheese made?

Pepper Jack cheese is made by adding jalapeño peppers to milk and then allowing the mixture to curdle. After the cheese has curdled, it is then placed in a mold and allowed to age.

What does Pepper Jack cheese taste like?

Pepper Jack cheese has a spicy flavor that comes from the jalapeño peppers. The cheese also has a creamy texture that makes it enjoyable to eat.

Where can I find Pepper Jack cheese?

Pepper Jack cheese is available at most grocery stores. You can also find it at specialty cheese shops.

55. Pimento Cheese

Pimento cheese is a spread or dip that is typically made from sharp cheddar cheese, pimentos, and mayonnaise.

It can also include cream cheese, garlic, onion, and other spices. Pimento cheese is popular in the Southern United States and is often served as a sandwich filling or as a dip for crackers and vegetables.

56. Provolone cheese

Provolone cheese is a type of Italian cheese that is made from cow’s milk. It is a hard, sharp cheese that has a mild, nutty flavor. Provolone cheese is often used in sandwiches and salads.

Where does Provolone cheese come from?

Provolone cheese originated in Italy. The first recorded mention of Provolone cheese dates back to the 12th century. It is thought that the name “Provolone” comes from the Italian word “prova”, which means “test” or “trial”.

How is Provolone cheese made?

Provolone cheese is made by curdling milk with rennet, and then heating the curds to form a solid mass. The cheese is then molded into a round shape and aged for several months.

57. Queso Blanco cheese

Queso Blanco cheese is a type of cheese that originated in Mexico. It is made from cow’s milk, and it has a white color. The cheese is soft and has a mild flavor. Queso Blanco cheese is often used in Mexican dishes, such as quesadillas and enchiladas.

58. Queso de Cabra cheese

Queso de Cabra cheese is a type of cheese that is made from the milk of goats. It is a white cheese that has a soft, creamy texture and a mild, slightly tangy flavor. Queso de Cabra cheese is native to the Spanish region of Andalusia, and it is often used in Spanish cuisine.

Queso de Cabra cheese is a versatile cheese that can be used in a variety of dishes. It can be eaten on its own, or it can be used as an ingredient in other recipes. Queso de Cabra cheese pairs well with fruit, crackers, and bread. It can also be melted and used as a sauce or dip.

59. Ricotta cheese

Ricotta cheese is an Italian whey cheese made from sheep’s milk, cow’s milk, or goat’s milk. The word ricotta means “recooked” in Italian, and refers to the fact that this cheese is made from the leftover whey after making other cheeses.

Ricotta is a very versatile cheese that can be used in sweet or savory dishes, and is a common ingredient in lasagna, ravioli, and other Italian dishes.


60. Romano cheese

Romano cheese is a hard, salty cheese that is made from sheep’s milk. It has a strong, pungent flavor and is often used as a grating cheese. Romano cheese originated in Italy and is still made there today.

Romano cheese is an excellent addition to many dishes. It can be used to top pasta dishes, salads, and pizzas. It also pairs well with wines such as Chianti and Merlot.

61. Roquefort cheese

Roquefort cheese is a type of bleu cheese that originates from the village of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon in southeastern France. The cheese is made from sheep’s milk and has a distinctively sharp, pungent flavor. It is often used as a condiment or ingredient in salads and other dishes.

Roquefort cheese is protected by French law and can only be produced in the Roquefort region. The cheese is made from whole sheep’s milk that has been pasteurized. The milk is then inoculated with a culture of mold spores, which gives the cheese its distinctive blue veining. The cheese is aged for at least three months, during which time it is regularly turned and brushed with salt water.

62. Saint Andre cheese

Saint Andre cheese is a soft, creamy white cheese from France. It has a mild, nutty flavor and a smooth texture. Saint Andre cheese is made from cow’s milk and is aged for at least three weeks. It is often used in salads, on sandwiches, or as a dip.

63. Scamorza cheese

Scamorza cheese is a type of Italian cheese that is made from pasteurized cow’s milk. The name “scamorza” comes from the Italian word for “head,” because this cheese is traditionally shaped into a ball or oval shape.

Scamorza cheese has a white color and a smooth, elastic texture. It is similar to mozzarella cheese, but has a slightly sweeter flavor. This cheese is often used in Italian dishes such as pizza and pasta.

64. Stelvio or Stilfser cheese

Stelvio or Stilfser cheese is a type of Italian cheese that is made from the milk of cows that graze in the Alpine meadows. The milk is then mixed with rennet and enzymes to create a soft, creamy cheese. The cheese is then aged for at least two months, during which time it develops a strong, nutty flavor.

Stelvio or Stilfser cheese is often used in dishes such as pasta carbonara and lasagna. It can also be eaten on its own as a snack or with bread and fruit.

65. Stilton cheese

Stilton cheese is a type of blue cheese that is made in the English county of Derbyshire. The cheese gets its name from the village of Stilton, where it was first sold in 1720.

Stilton cheese is made from cow’s milk, and it has a strong, salty flavor. The cheese is crumbly and has a blue-green mold running through it.

Stilton cheese is best eaten with crackers or bread, and it can also be used in cooking. For example, you can add crumbled Stilton to a salad or use it to make a cheesy sauce.

66. Stracchino cheese

Stracchino cheese is a type of Italian cheese that is made from milk. The milk is usually from cows that are fed on grass and hay. Stracchino cheese has a soft, creamy texture and a mild, nutty flavor. It is often used as a spread on bread or crackers, or as a filling for sandwiches.

Stracchino cheese is named after the Italian town of Stracci, where it originated. The cheese was first made in the early 1800s by farmer Stefano Fiorini. Fiorini’s family has been making Stracchino cheese for over 200 years.

67. String Cheese

String cheese is a type of cheese that is commonly used as a snack food. It is made by stretching or pulling the curd of milk until it forms long, thin strands. String cheese is typically white or yellow in color, and has a mild flavor.

String cheese is a popular choice for snacks because it is easy to eat and transport. It is also a good source of protein and calcium. String cheese is often used as an ingredient in recipes, such as wraps, casseroles, and pizzas.

68. Swiss cheese

Swiss cheese is a type of cheese that originated in Switzerland. It is usually made from cow’s milk, and has a firm, creamy texture with a nutty flavor. Swiss cheese is also known for its holes, or “eyes.”

There are many different types of Swiss cheese, including Emmental, Gruyere, Appenzeller, and Swiss Lace. Swiss cheese is often used in dishes such as fondue, quiche, and gratins. It can also be eaten on its own as a snack.

69. Taleggio cheese

Taleggio cheese is a soft, washed-rind cheese that originates from Italy. The cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a strong, pungent flavor. Taleggio cheese is often used in recipes that call for a strong flavored cheese, such as pasta dishes or risottos.


So, there you have it! A brief overview of some of the most popular types of cheese. As you can see, there is a great deal of variety when it comes to cheese. Whether you’re looking for a mild or strong flavor, a soft or firm texture, or anything in between, there’s sure to be a type of cheese that’s perfect for you. So, next time you’re at the grocery store or farmer’s market, be sure to give some new types of cheese a try. You just might find your new favorite!

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