ReviewsGood Ranchers Review - Is It Worth It?

Good Ranchers Review – Is It Worth It?

Must Try

David Larsen
I’m a husband, dad, food blogger, photographer, writer, social media boss, entrepreneur.

You must have heard of Good Ranchers by now, they seem to be everywhere and the offers they have are enough to make your mouth water. But, yes, many people are wary. You know the saying – if it sounds too good to be true it probably isn’t. Is this true about Good Ranchers? The answer is not that simple and it depends on who you’re asking. Many consumers are quite happy with the meat they got off Good Ranchers, while others not so much. In this Good Ranchers review you’ll find  we know about it.

What is Good Ranchers?

They seem to come out of nowhere, but the company was launched in 2018 and over the past few years they’ve been busy conquering North America. Good Ranchers is a farm-to-market pop-up shop that sells its steaks in unusual locations, such as parking lots. Their slogan is “Do Good. Eat Good”. The part about eating good is easy to understand, while the “Do Good” part refers to their community food drive, giving free meals to those in need.

Are their offers for real?

That’s the number one question – 20 choice filets for $29? This can’t be, right?

Actually, it can. You can buy those filets for the advertised price, that much is clear. Many of the customers say that the company’s sellers are very skilled and they will try to make you spend as much as $200 on other goodies, but if you don’t want to, you can walk away with a bag of filets.

Why are the prices so low?

If you listen to Good Ranchers execs, the explanation is very simple. Their direct farmer-to-market approach cuts out the middleman, in this case the supermarket chains that conveniently get those steaks and burger patties to a freezer near you. Obviously, you need to pay for such convenience. The price on the meat at Target or any other store reflects all their overhead costs, and the wages of the cute girl that wraps up your filets.

The pop-up shops Good Ranchers use have little overhead costs and this explains why they can present you with such low prices.

Is the meat any good?

This is the big question. Many of their customers say the meat actually tastes good, while some say it’s too tough. There are those who swear the filets they got were industry standard size, so you ended up with a good steak on your plate. Others complained the burger patties they got were way too thin and had an unsettling tendency to come apart.

Another problem customers have is with the chicken breast. Why do Good Ranchers sell so many types of marinated meats? Is it to hide the smell of meat gone bad? That doesn’t seem to be the case and those who tried the marinated chicken breast say it tasted just fine.

Bottom line – Is Good Ranchers worth it?

Let’s put it this way – if you need a lot of meat to feed a large family, then, yes, Good Ranchers is definitely worth it. Maybe the burgers will be on the slim size or maybe the steak will turn out a bit chewy, but at least it’s meat and it tastes good. And those 20 filets will last for a few days.

However, if you want to make a fancy dinner to impress your friends stick with prime choice meat from your local store!

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