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Cooking TipsIngredient GuidesCan You Eat Sprouted Potatoes? Is It Safe?

Can You Eat Sprouted Potatoes? Is It Safe?

Must Try

David Larsen
I’m a husband, dad, food blogger, photographer, writer, social media boss, entrepreneur.

Can you eat sprouted potatoes? This is a question that many people have asked, and the answer is yes – you can eat sprouted potatoes. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of eating sprouted potatoes, as well as how to prepare them. We will also provide a recipe for delicious smashed sprouted potatoes!

can you eat sprouted potatoes

Can you eat sprouted potatoes?

The answer is both yes and no. Eating the sprouts of a potato is not necessarily bad for you, however, eating the actual potatoes themselves can be hazardous to your health. It is best to discard any potatoes that have started growing sprouts rather than trying to eat them.

Sprouted potatoes contain higher levels of glycoalkaloids, which can be toxic. Eating them can lead to symptoms such as nausea, headaches, diarrhea and vomiting. Additionally, the glycoalkaloids in sprouted potatoes may cause a range of long-term health problems if consumed on a regular basis.

Health benefits of eating sprouted potatoes.

sprouted potatoes

Sprouted potatoes contain many essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can help keep your body healthy. They are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which helps promote digestion and improve gut health.

Sprouted potatoes are also a good source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin and niacin, which help support brain function.

Additionally, sprouted potatoes are a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect against diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Lastly, sprouted potatoes are a great way to get important minerals like magnesium and iron into your body, both of which are essential for healthy bones and muscles.

Eating sprouted potatoes regularly can provide numerous health benefits that will keep you feeling your best.

Risks of eating sprouted potatoes.

Potatoes that have begun to sprout contain higher levels of glycoalkaloid toxins, which can be harmful if consumed in large quantities.

Glycoalkaloids are naturally occurring compounds found in the skin of potatoes and other members of the nightshade family.

When potatoes begin to sprout, this compound begins to accumulate in the potato, increasing its toxicity and making it unsafe to eat.

Eating a single sprouted potato can cause GI upset, while consumption of multiple potatoes can lead to more serious symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

In extreme cases, eating large amounts of toxins found in sprouted potatoes can even be fatal. It is important to avoid eating sprouted potatoes to prevent the risk of illness.

Can you eat sprouted potatoes when pregnant?

The answer is typically not recommended. Sprouted potatoes contain glycoalkaloids which can be toxic to humans.

These compounds are found naturally in potato plants, but at higher concentrations when the potatoes have been allowed to sprout or green up.

In pregnant women, eating large amounts of these compounds may cause an increased risk of miscarriage, so it is best to avoid sprouted potatoes if you are pregnant.

It is also important to properly store potatoes in a cool, dark place, as this can help minimize the potential for sprouting.

Additionally, always make sure to throw away any potatoes that have started to turn green or have developed an off-smell.

When cooked properly, potato dishes like mashed potatoes and roasted potatoes are generally considered safe to eat during pregnancy.

Can you eat sprouted potatoes if you peel them?

The answer is yes, you can eat sprouted potatoes if you peel them. It’s important to ensure that the potato is firm and not overly soft or discolored before peeling it.

You should also discard any parts of the potato with green patches or eyes as these can contain toxins that can make you ill if ingested. Additionally, you should cook the potatoes thoroughly to reduce any risk of food-borne illness.

When you peel the potatoes, it’s important to remove all of the sprouts as these can contain toxins as well. After peeling, rinse them under running water to ensure that all remaining sprouts are removed. Finally, cut away any parts of the potato that look discolored or have an off-putting odor.

Can you eat potatoes that have sprouted and are soft?

The answer to this question is yes. It is generally safe to eat potatoes that have sprouted and are soft, as long as they don’t show any signs of spoilage.

To be on the safe side, it’s always best to cook sprouted potatoes before eating them. Cooking will help kill any bacteria or fungi present in the potatoes, making them safe to eat.

Additionally, potatoes that have been stored in a cool, dark place are less likely to sprout and become soft than potatoes that are exposed to light or heat.

For these reasons, it is best to store your potatoes in an area where they will not be subjected to excessive light or heat.

If you notice any signs of spoilage, such as mold or discoloration, it is best to discard the potatoes and purchase fresh ones.

It is important to remember that consuming sprouted or soft potatoes can cause food poisoning if not properly cooked.

Can you eat sweet potatoes that have sprouted?

The answer is yes, but you should use caution. Sweet potatoes that have sprouted are still edible, provided they are cooked properly.

When a sweet potato has started to sprout, it means the potato is beginning to decompose and may be slightly spoiled. However, if the sweet potato looks and smells normal, it can still be eaten after cooking.

To ensure the sweet potato is safe to eat, peel off any sprouts and discard them before cooking.

Additionally, avoid eating any part of the potato that has become discolored or moldy. Cooked sweet potatoes should be discarded if they have an unpleasant odor or taste.

Can you eat jacket potatoes that have sprouted?

The short answer is yes, but with some caution. While it may be tempting to eat a sprouted potato because of its lower price tag and more nutritious value, there are some potential risks associated with eating them.

The most significant risk lies in the possibility that these potatoes contain toxins, such as solanine, which can cause food poisoning and other serious health issues.

The best way to check if a potato is safe to eat is by cutting it open and examining the flesh. If the potato looks green or has sprouts growing from its eyes, then it should be thrown away immediately as these are signs of solanine contamination.

Additionally, potatoes that have been stored in a warm and humid environment are more likely to have higher levels of solanine, so it is best to avoid potatoes that have been stored in such conditions.

Why can’t you eat sprouted potatoes?

Eating sprouted potatoes can be dangerous as the sprouts contain glycoalkaloids, which are naturally occurring toxins found in potato plants.

When consumed in large amounts, these toxins can lead to a range of health problems such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, and even death.

Glycoalkaloids are most concentrated in the eyes or sprouts of the potatoes, so it is important to avoid eating them.

Even if the sprouts are removed, some toxins may still remain on the potato skin. As such, it is best to discard sprouted potatoes entirely.

Additionally, potatoes that have been stored for too long may become rotten and should not be consumed either.

Can potato sprouts kill you?

The answer is yes, potentially. Potato sprouts contain solanine, a glycoalkaloid toxin found in the potato plant family. Eating large amounts of solanine can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and cramps.

In extreme cases it can lead to paralysis of the central nervous system or even death. It’s important to note that only greening or sprouting potatoes contain solanine – so if you’re consuming raw potatoes, be sure to cut away any green parts before cooking.

Additionally, it is important to note that the risk of death from potato sprouts is extremely low. People would have to eat a very large amount of solanine for it to be potentially fatal.

Despite this, it is still important to take precautions when consuming raw potatoes and sprouts, especially those that are green or have begun to sprout. If you notice any discoloration or greening on potato skins, discard the entire potato and don’t consume it.

When not to eat potatoes?

It is important to know when not to eat potatoes to avoid potential side effects. Potatoes contain a high amount of carbohydrates, which can increase blood sugar levels and cause weight gain if eaten in excess.

Eating too many potatoes can also lead to digestive discomfort, including gas, bloating and indigestion. Additionally, because potato skins can contain toxins from the soil, it is important to avoid eating them raw or undercooked.

Potatoes that have become soft, discolored, sprouted or moldy should not be eaten as they may contain food-borne bacteria and cause illness.

In addition, potatoes can be a source of acrylamide, a chemical that forms when certain foods are cooked at high temperatures, such as in the deep-frying of potatoes. Therefore, it is best to avoid eating fried potatoes and other processed potato products whenever possible.

Why Do Potatoes Sprout?

Potatoes sprout when they have been stored under the wrong conditions. Potatoes will not sprout if kept in a cool, dark and dry place with plenty of air circulation.

If potatoes are stored at too high a temperature or exposed to light, however, the starch inside them converts to sugars, which triggers the tuber’s natural defense mechanism and causes it to sprout.

Sprouts can develop in as little as two weeks, but the process can take up to eight weeks depending on the storage conditions.

The potato’s sprouts are nature’s way of providing new plants with a ready-made food source and ensuring that the species continues to thrive over time.

Although sprouting potatoes can be a nuisance, the process is perfectly safe and does not affect the flavor or nutritional value of the potato. In fact, some people believe that potatoes are more nutritious when they have sprouted.

If you want to avoid potatoes from sprouting, store them in an area where temperatures remain between 50-70°F (10-21°C). Do not store potatoes near apples or other fruit, as the ethylene gas emitted by these fruits encourages potatoes to sprout.

Why do potatoes sprout in the dark?

Potatoes are a type of starchy tuber that is extremely sensitive to environmental conditions. They require darkness and consistent temperature in order to begin sprouting, which happens when dormant potato buds are awakened by the right conditions.

The dark encourages potato cells to start producing chlorophyll so they can use photosynthesis to turn light energy into chemical energy for growth.

In the absence of light, potatoes rely on stored sugars for energy. The darkness also helps to protect developing shoots from extreme temperatures or drying out, as well as from pests and diseases that thrive in sunlight.

This means that potatoes can sprout without being exposed to sunlight or other harsh environmental conditions.

How sprouted is too sprouted potato?

Potatoes should be free from sprouts, eyes, decay and other blemishes. However, small sprouts are not necessarily a sign of spoilage as long as the potato has not been exposed to light for an extended period of time.

If you’re purchasing potatoes with small sprouts, it’s best to remove them before using the potato. Doing so will help to reduce the risk of foodborne illness and ensure that your cooked potatoes don’t have a bitter taste.

If large sprouts (1/4 inch or greater) are present on the potato, then it should be discarded as it is likely past its prime. Potatoes with large sprouts may also have hollow spots or signs of decay which can lead to foodborne illness.

How do you get sprouts off potatoes?

The best way to get sprouts off potatoes is to use a small sharp knife. Start by slicing off the root end of the potato, just below where the sprout is attached. Then slice thin slices at an angle along the side of the potato until you reach the sprout.

Carefully cut around the base of the sprout and then pull it off the potato. Be sure to remove as much of the attached stem and root as possible.

Once you have removed the sprout, discard it in the compost or trash. Repeat with any other sprouts that may be present on your potatoes.

It’s important to note that even after removing sprouts from potatoes, they should be eaten within a day or two.

Taking steps to remove the sprouts will help extend the shelf life of potatoes, but it’s necessary to keep them refrigerated and out of direct sunlight in order to maximize their freshness.

Potatoes that have begun to show signs of age such as softening, discoloration, or sprouting should be discarded as soon as possible.

How to prevent potatoes from sprouting.

The best way to prevent potatoes from sprouting is to keep them in a cool, dark place. Store the potatoes in a ventilated container with temperatures between 45 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This will slow down the process of starch conversion into sugar, which encourages sprouting.

Check on the potatoes periodically and discard any that are beginning to sprout or any that are shriveled, discolored, or soft.

If you have potatoes with a green tint, discard them as well. This indicates an alkaloid called solanine has developed and can be toxic if eaten in large amounts.

You can also treat your potatoes to help prevent sprouting. Cut each potato into pieces and soak them in a solution of one part vinegar to two parts water for 10 minutes. This will help inhibit bacteria and mold from forming on the potatoes, which can cause them to sprout quickly.

Another way to prevent spouting is to place an apple or a banana along with the potatoes in an airtight container. The ethylene gas released from the apples and bananas will inhibit the sprouting of potatoes, keeping them fresh for a longer period of time.

Finally, wrapping each potato in newspaper or placing them in a paper bag before storing can also help prevent sprouting. The paper absorbs moisture that could otherwise cause the potatoes to begin sprouting.

How to Peel Potatoes.

Once you have selected the potatoes that you would like to use, it is time to start peeling them. Start by washing the potatoes thoroughly with cold water and scrubbing off any dirt or debris with a vegetable brush. This will help to ensure that your peeled potatoes are clean and free of contaminants.

Next, cut off both ends of the potato with a sharp knife. This will create a flat surface for your peeler to rest on as you move it along the sides of the potato.

Now, take your vegetable peeler and begin peeling off strips of skin from the potato. Start at one end and work your way around until all of the skin has been removed. Be sure to peel in a single direction, as this will help to get the most skin off with the least amount of effort.

Once you have finished peeling, you can cut away any remaining pieces of skin on the potato by cutting them off with a sharp knife. This will ensure that your potatoes are free of any skin before cooking them.

There you have it: a simple guide on how to peel potatoes! Whether you are making mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, or roasted potatoes, this method will help you prepare your spuds in no time.

Smashed Sprouted Potatoes Recipe

Smashed Sprouted Potatoes Recipe

Yield: 4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 35 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes

Smashed sprouted potatoes are a delicious and easy to make side dish that can be served with any meal. They are made by smashing boiled potatoes, combining them with butter, herbs, and spices, then roasting them in the oven until crispy.


  • 2lb sprouted potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of melted butter
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste


    Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C).

    Place potatoes in a medium pot and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil over high heat.

    Reduce heat to low and simmer until potatoes are fork-tender, about 10 minutes.

    Drain the potatoes and spread them out on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Using a potato masher or the back of a large spoon, smash each potato until it is flattened but still mostly intact.

    Drizzle potatoes with melted butter and olive oil, then sprinkle with garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper.

    Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.

    Serve hot and enjoy!


- Try adding chopped herbs like parsley or chives to the potatoes before baking for extra flavor.

- For a spicier dish, add some cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes to the seasoning mix.

- If you are short on time, you can also microwave the potatoes until fork tender before smashing and baking them.

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